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A Seaman Prayer "Doa Seorang Pelaut"

A Seaman Prayer "Doa Seorang Pelaut"

Oh God,,, I ask You to take me in Your care and protection along with all these whe go down to the sea In Ship.

Make me alert and wise in my duties.
Make me faithful in the time of routine, and prompt to decide and courageous to act any time of crisis

Protect me in the dangers in the perils of the sea; and even in the storm grant that there may be peace and calm within my heart.


When I am far from home and far from loved ones and far from my country, help me to be quite sure that, wherever i am, i can never drift beyond your love and care.

Take care of my loved ones in the days and week and month when i am separated from them. Keep me true to them and keep true to me. and every time that we have to part, bring we together in safety and in loyality again. Amin. . .

Related : A Seaman Prayer "Doa Seorang Pelaut"

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